Pedagogy at ESIEA

End-of-year project 2024

For this year’s Olympic Games, our 160 students had to create teams of athlete robots and compete against each other for their final year project. The program included three distinct sporting competitions inspired by shot put, archery, and synchronized swimming!

Each student team was able to choose the country they wanted to represent throughout the week.

Synchronized swimming demonstration by the American team, finalists of the competition

During the week, students and teachers were interviewed by Science & Vie Junior as part of the preparation for the book “Les maths tranquilles, spécial brevet” where you can discover their journeys.

esieabot development

Control your esieabot with Scratch!

In order to teach robot programming to children using an esieabot, we started working on a Scratch extension. It’s still in an early development stage but can be used. It will be accessible at

Scratch extension in the catalog

This Scratch extension has already been used with about 80 children from 8 to 11 years old and has been very successful. The development will continue to make it easier to use.

Basic esieabot commands with Scratch
esieabot in the world

esieabot @ CentraleSupélec

Esieabot was invited this year to participate in the StartupForKids 2024 event at the CentraleSupélec School in Saclay.

We organized a workshop for children aged 8 to 11 to teach them the basics of programming a robot with Scratch, with the goal of solving a small maze.

Thank you to StartupForKids for the invitation!

esieabot in the world

esieabot @ Musée des Arts et Métiers

As part of its partnership with the magazine Science et Vie Junior, ESIEA was present at the latest Science Day at the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris to award the special “innovating for the planet” prize to Etienne Roisin for his invention of an autonomous cigarette butt collector.

Etienne Roisin rewarded for his invention by Loic Roussel, Director of ESIEA and co-creator of esieabot

During the day, we presented the esieabot to young visitors by organizing a race with on-board helmets, as well as a Python programming workshop.

For further information:

Pedagogy at ESIEA

End-of-year project 2023

For the 3rd year running, the “end-of-year project”, which concludes our students’ first year, allowed them to put their newly-acquired computer science, electronics and physics skills into practice on their esieabot.

This year’s topic was simple: they had to design a team of autonomous firefighting robots to extinguish flames in a field. These flames, symbolized by a paper target with an ArUco marker, had to be “extinguished”, by throwing a ping pong ball at them.

Robots made during the “end-of-year project” week 2023

Thanks to the esieabot-ai-api library developed for the occasion, the students were able to create autonomous robots in C language, thanks to the computer science courses they had taken this year.

See you next year!

esieabot in the world

esieabot @ RIE 2023

esieabot was present this year at the 14th Robotics in Eduction conference in Cyprus. Alexandre Brière, Pierre Courbin, Gauthier Heiss and Elodie Queney presented a research paper entitled “esieabot: a low-cost, open-source, modular robot platform used in an engineering curriculum”.

Gauthier HEISS presenting esieabot history @ RIE 2023

They presented esieabot and its integration into ESIEA’s pedagogy. In particular, the advantages of the esieabot in terms of low-cost production and openness.

esieabot @ RIE 2023

The conference also provided an opportunity to introduce esieabot to researchers and teachers from all over the world, who were very interested. We hope to see it again very soon outside France, perhaps in Germany next year…

Pedagogy at ESIEA

End-of-year project 2022

Like every year, our first-year students close their semester with a full week dedicated to carrying out a project around the esieabot. The subject this year is simple: build from common and recyclable materials (cardboard, paper, paperclips, string, etc.) a motorized catapult on their esieabot, remotely controlled in order to compete in a final challenge at the end of the week.

Once the robots are ready, each team must fight and shoot as many ping pong balls as possible into the crates of the opposing team.
Congratulations to the winning teams!